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St Ann’s Church, Kingston Hill


Week Day Masses

Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10 am

Tuesday 7.00 pm (6.30 pm – Adoration)

Weekend Masses

Saturday 6.00 pm (Vigil Mass)

Sunday 10.30 am (Family Mass + Music)

Pilgrims Masses

Tuesdays: 6.15 pm – Adoration, 7.00 pm – Pilgrims Mas

Saturdays: 11.15 am – Adoration, 12 noon – Pilgrims Mass

Mass Intentions

In the Catholic tradition, offering a Mass for a specific intention is a profound way to participate in the Church’s universal prayer. The Mass, centered on the Eucharist, is the highest form of prayer, where we unite our intentions with Christ’s sacrifice. When a Mass is offered for a particular intention, whether for the living or the deceased, it carries the power of the Church’s intercession and God’s grace. It is a beautiful expression of love, support, and faith.

The practice of Mass intentions dates back to the early Church, when faithful would bring offerings of bread and wine for the Eucharist. Over time, monetary offerings became customary to help support the Church and clergy. While a stipend is often given, it is a voluntary offering, as the Eucharist is the universal prayer for all.

Various Types of Mass Intentions

For the Living:

  1. Thanksgiving
  2. Health and well-being
  3. Special celebrations (birthdays, anniversaries)
  4. Protection
  5. Guidance and wisdom
  6. Peace and reconciliation
  7. Vocations
  8. Conversion or spiritual renewal

For the Deceased:

  1. Repose of the soul
  2. Anniversary of death
  3. All souls in Purgatory

For the Church and Community:

  1. Peace in the world
  2. Church leaders and vocations
  3. The poor and oppressed
  4. The sick and suffering

Other Services

You are welcome

Other services we provide


Saturday 11.15 am during Adoration

Adoration & Benediction

Tuesday 6.15 pm & Saturday 11.15 am

& on Special Occasions


Tuesdays – St Antony

Wednesday – St Joseph

Saturday – St Ann